What is Explanation in Neuroscience?
| Dr. Mazviita Chirimuuta
Dr. Mazviita Chirimuuta's video lecture about #Neuroscience explanations from A Beginner's Guide To Neural Mechanisms. Made via collaboration between @neuralmechanisms942 and @PhilosophyOfBrains with generous funding from the @templetonworldcharityfound4808 in partnership with @dukeuniversity and those listed in the video credits.
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Kaplan, D.M. (2011), “Explanation and Description in Computational Neuroscience.” Synthese 183: 339-73. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-011-99...
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Weiskopf, D. (2011). “Models and Mechanisms in Psychological Explanation.” Synthese 183: 313-38. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-011-99...